korean artist painting of hell

korean painting of hell

Image result for worldly movies
SATAN FROM TV: As people watch violent secular movies, the demons would actually torment the person’s soul without the person realizing or knowing it. As a person watches the scenes from TV, their soul is in torment and in pain. The soul is damaged and wounded. Watching secular TV does not help in any way for Christians to progress their loving relationship with God, our bridegroom Jesus. We can watch some news once in a while but please do not watch TV, period! Amen!!
Artist: As Jesus witnessed the sins committed by man, He cried. Satan and his demons would tie the bodies of sinners so tight with iron chains and they would control us. Therefore sinners would go deeper and deeper in sin. I am pleading to you not to commit sin. Do not live as you desire too. In hell, the senses are hundreds of times more vivid than you actually feel in physical realm. So the pain is more severe. also secular music gospel rap,raggae etc.

paintings of hell
Spirit of Snakes are filled in the alcoholic drinks and in cigarette smoke

paintings of hell
People who did not want to eat the bread of life…

paintings of hell
People who had not discussed the things in their lives with Jesus but had made their own decisions and had their own will

People who had drank, partaken, and eaten prohibited things.

paintings of hell
Jesus: Please tell people who hurt each others’ hearts by their words that they must not hurt or wound their brothers/sisters in Christ. They must not say things without care.Speaking without caring or love

paintings of hell
Penalty for lying.

paintings of hell
Stealing money or funds…

paintings of hell
This is how Murderers, rapists and child kidnappers will be tormented.

paintings of hell
This hell is for the people who worshipped idols, had bad evil thoughts in their head and who were so stubborn with their own ways. also for gospel rap,rhuma,gospel with worldly beats. fuji,juju,hip hop etc

paintings of hell
This place of hell is for the men who had a family but had cheated on their spouses and/or became gay and/or bisexual. They will be penetrated by knives and spear.

paintings of hell
A woman and a boy in this painting were a mother and a son when they lived on earth. But because of the unbearable pain, they did not love each other but try to escape the torment by stepping on top of each other.n they were incestung together.

This hell is for the people who had complained and grumbled even in their hearts.

paintings of hell
This torment is for the people who had ignored God’s word and still continued to commit sin. They are the ones who had performed evil in the eyes of the Lord.

paintings of hell
This hell is for the people who did not spread or share the gospel. They did not evangelize the good news to the lost.The first half of the portrait describes demons that influence the persecutors (people) to persecute and harass or kill the messengers of the full and true gospel.

paintings of hell
Persecution of the gospel.

paintings of hell
The place is endless. The torment will be endless… If you do not repent…

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